Hey, Let's CHAT!

CHAT (Chicago Healthy Adolescent and Teen) and PPIL (Planned Parenthood of Illinois) offer free chlamydia and gonorrhea testing to students of participating CHAT schools.

CHAT students on stairs

How it Works

Get A Kit

Urine test kits are available at your school. Complete your self-administered kit wherever you are most comfortable!

Collect And Return

Follow the included instructions in your kit to activate, collect, and return your sample. Kits must be mailed within one day of sample collection for best chance of resulting.

Get Results

Results will be available online within 2 weeks. If your results require follow-up, a PPIL care team member will reach out to you.


How do I collect a sample?
What is CHAT?
Will my parents/guardians or school know?
How do I send my test kit once I complete the test?
What if I am unable to send my kit on the same day?
How will I know if I test positive?
How do I get treatment if I need it?
What medicines do I take for treatment?
What happens if my test is not able to be processed?
Can I activate later if I do not have access to my phone or laptop?

Learn More

Trainer supporting back

Sexual Health

Have additional questions about sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? Continue below.

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Group picture of students

Teen Health

Looking for resources specific to teen health, relationships, or gender identity? Dive in below.

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